Everyone Can Be News
Six in ten Americans get news both offline and online, and of those 37% have contributed to creating news or sharing it with their social circles on the internet in some way, according to Pew Research . We as a nation have gotten very comfortable engaging with the news socially, and even being a part of it. This is why as marketers, it is important that we consider knowing how the news works and how to get involved with it or avoid it a required skill. Sometimes our company will want to be in the news, such as when they have an event for charity or win an award or open a new location. These things will not only draw positive attention from customers, but will help the company look like an employer of choice for other potential employees. An employer who has a reputation for treating employees well will be able to garner employees who appreciate the product and want to help it succeed, and customers who know the people who contributed to the product or service they are using will ...